Foreign direct investment and economic growth in developing countries: The role of international trade and foreign debt

Simon Okaja Epor (1) Henry Yua (2) Paul Terhemba Iorember (3)
(1) Department of Banking and Finance, Mewar International University, Nigeria, Nigeria
(2) Department of Banking and Finance, Mewar International University, Nigeria, Nigeria
(3) Department of Economics, Nile University of Nigeria, Nigeria


The existing literature is sparse on the role of international finance in modeling the FDI-growth nexus. This study integrates the role of international trade and external debt in the FDI-economic growth nexus for Brazil, Nigeria, and Vietnam. We apply the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model to annual data covering the period 1990-2021. The results show that FDI and trade have positive but insignificant effects on economic growth in all three countries. In addition, our results show that external debt hampers long-term economic growth in these countries. Based on the results, we propose country-specific recommendations that take into account specific economic and financial conditions, global market dynamics, and the long-term development goals of developing countries.

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Simon Okaja Epor
Henry Yua
Paul Terhemba Iorember (Primary Contact)
Author Biographies

Simon Okaja Epor, Department of Banking and Finance, Mewar International University, Nigeria


Henry Yua , Department of Banking and Finance, Mewar International University, Nigeria


Paul Terhemba Iorember, Department of Economics, Nile University of Nigeria


Epor, S. O., Yua , H., & Iorember, P. T. (2024). Foreign direct investment and economic growth in developing countries: The role of international trade and foreign debt. Modern Finance, 2(1), 1–17.

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