Economic development, corporate governance, and firm performance in Sub-Saharan Africa

Isaac Luke Agonbire Atugeba (1) , Emmanuel Acquah-Sam (2)
(1) 1. Accra Institute of Technology; 2. Open University Malaysia; 3. Bolgatanga Technical University, Ghana ,
(2) Wisconsin International University College, Ghana, Ghana


he study examines the impact of corporate governance on firm performance in five Sub-Saharan African countries, focusing on the role of economic development. The research uses a two-stage least squares (2SLS) regression approach to examine data from 309 publicly traded companies spanning the years 2016–2022. The study found that firms in upper-middle-income (UMI) countries outperform those in lower-middle-income (LMI) countries. Corporate governance positively influences firm performance in LMI countries but negatively affects it in UMI countries. The study further observed that economic development significantly impacts corporate governance-performance relationships in LMI countries compared to UMI countries. Policymakers, especially in UMI countries, are urged to re-assess their current institutional frameworks and consider reforms aimed at alleviating bureaucratic obstacles that impact businesses.

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Isaac Luke Agonbire Atugeba (Primary Contact)
Emmanuel Acquah-Sam
Author Biographies

Isaac Luke Agonbire Atugeba, 1. Accra Institute of Technology; 2. Open University Malaysia; 3. Bolgatanga Technical University

Accra Institute of Technology/Open University Malaysia & Bolgatanga Technical University, Ghana, email:

Emmanuel Acquah-Sam, Wisconsin International University College, Ghana

Wisconsin International University College, Ghana, email:

Atugeba, I. L. A., & Acquah-Sam, E. (2025). Economic development, corporate governance, and firm performance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Modern Finance, 3(1), 67–90.

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Corporate social responsibility knowledge base: A bibliometric analysis

Wakara Ibrahimu Nyabakora, Sarah Elizabeth Mohabir
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