Bank efficiency in the digital age: The role of financial technology in Tanzanian banks

Omary Juma Ally (1) , Yusuph Kulindwa (2) , Lucas Mataba (3)
(1) Bank of Tanzania Academy, Tanzania, United Republic of ,
(2) Moshi Cooperative University, Tanzania, United Republic of ,
(3) Moshi Co-operative University, Tanzania, United Republic of


The global rise of financial technology offers opportunities and challenges for banking businesses, including Tanzanian banks. This study examines the influence of a bank's FinTech index on the efficiency of 30 Tanzanian commercial banks categorized as large, medium, and small from 2010–2021. Using panel data and a two-step Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator, the study finds that the FinTech index measuring banks' financial technology development significantly enhances efficiency across all banks, with the largest impact on large banks due to their high financial technology development. However, medium and small banks face challenges in financial technology development, resulting in a negative relationship between the FinTech index and the efficiency of banks. The study emphasizes the need for regulatory frameworks supporting financial technology integration in the core banking systems, especially for smaller and medium banks. It highlights the importance of collaboration and risk management to enhance bank efficiency and financial stability.

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Omary Juma Ally (Primary Contact)
Yusuph Kulindwa
Lucas Mataba
Author Biographies

Omary Juma Ally, Bank of Tanzania Academy

Mr. Omary Juma Ally is an experienced instructor with over 15 years of expertise in finance and business administration. As the Assistant Manager for Academic Programmes at the Bank of Tanzania Academy, he oversees curriculum development, capacity-building initiatives, and academic programmes. Currently pursuing a PhD at Moshi Co-operative University (MuCO), he has published several peer-reviewed papers on topics such as financial technology, non-performing loans, corporate governance, and bank performance. His academic qualifications include an Advanced Diploma in Accountancy, a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration from the London School of Commerce (LSC), UK, and a Master’s in Business Administration (Finance) from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff, UK. Certified as a Training Professional (CTP) by ARTDO International, he has also received specialized training in project management and competency-based learning, contributing significantly to both academia and the financial industry.

Yusuph Kulindwa, Moshi Cooperative University

Dr Yusuph Kulindwa is  Senior Lecturer at Moshi Co-operative University, Department of Economics and Statistics, Box 474, Sokoine Rd, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, email:

Lucas Mataba, Moshi Co-operative University

Prof. Lucas Mataba is at  Moshi Co-operative University, Department of Banking and Finance, Box 474, Sokoine Rd, Moshi Co-operative University, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, email:

Juma Ally, O., Kulindwa, Y., & Mataba, L. (2025). Bank efficiency in the digital age: The role of financial technology in Tanzanian banks. Modern Finance, 3(1), 1–24.

Article Details