Unleashing the power of artificial intelligence in Islamic banking: A case study of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)
This research examines the challenges and opportunities of AI integration in Islamic banks through a case study of Bank Syariah Indonesia. A qualitative method was applied using an interview approach. Four experts from the IT division of Bank Syariah Indonesia were interviewed. The results suggest that AI applications offer potential benefits such as automation, improved decision-making and efficiency, customer recommendations, and enhanced customer experience. However, the challenges of AI integration include implementation costs, cyber security risks, Shariah compliance, and ethical issues. The research recommends that stakeholders in Islamic banks invest more in cybersecurity and educate their customers about the importance and usage of AI technology. Additionally, the research suggests that the government implements policies related to the ethical regulation of AI technology. Future research should provide comparative analysis and use a mixed-method approach to better understand the challenges and opportunities of AI integration in Islamic banks.
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